It's been a while since I last came back to Japan. Prices have gone up...(;'∀')
In preparation for our booth at the Saitama Seibu Lions Fan Festival on November 23rd,
Returning to Japan after a long time.
Prices are high in Canada, so I try to limit my shopping to essentials only.
I came back from Japan with a snort, thinking, "I'm going to buy this and that!"
Where is the Japan I know?
Restaurants and clothing stores have all increased their prices...and they're quite price increases...
I feel like Urashima Taro... (゚Д゚)
Uniqlo, GU, Nishimatsuya, Shimamura...were they really this expensive???
I didn't feel like spending 2,990 yen shopping at GU...I didn't feel like buying anything...
It seems that the wave of rising prices wasn't limited to Canada (´;ω;`) Uuuu
Even when I go to the drugstore, everything is priced up, and even when I go to the supermarket to buy groceries
Price increase...( ゚Д゚)
Not all of them are the Japanese prices we know lol
Of course, it's cheaper than Canada!!
But this is Japan!!
I had a feeling it should be around this price, but it was about 200 yen more expensive.
It's no wonder consumption is falling.
I now hesitate to buy things that I used to buy casually.
For foreign tourists, Japan is cheap, fast, high quality, polite and hospitable.
Perhaps I would feel the same way if I wasn't born and raised in Japan.
But I was born and raised in Japan. This is what Japan is like, right?
I have this feeling that everything seems so expensive...
But!! Japan is still full of cheap, high-quality products and services!!
So, for foreigners, cheap and high quality Japanese products are still popular.
I thought, "Let's expand into Canada!"
Immediately send 10,000 products to Canada🚢
What did they do? What did they export? That's a topic for another time.
Prices are rising in Japan and I found a product that I wish was in Canada!
Shipment has been completed to the physical store scheduled to open in February next year!
I hope that as many Canadians as possible will be happy with this ❤