Meeting Dayo, the youngest son of the former president of Nigeria ( *´艸`)
Several months have passed since the strategy meeting.
It is not easy to meet influential people, including former presidents.
It involves more full use of the brain and full use of the network than you can imagine.
I feel like giving up, but I somehow manage to persevere while thinking about the children of Makoko.
Meanwhile, finally, there is good news!!
We received a message from the former president's youngest son!!
First, what do I want to tell my father? What do I want him to do?
Give me a presentation and I'll listen and then I'll make a decision.
Oh! Progress!! I thought, but it turns out that only about 1 in 2,000 people pass the interview for the youngest child... (*_*;
We tried to adjust the schedule online, but they said it would be difficult with more than 15 power outages every day.
As a rule, presentations are made face-to-face, and only successful applicants are allowed to meet their father.
So he told me to come directly to Nigeria.
So, if you fly for 38 hours, get robbed at the airport, and fail, you can even get a former president?
I'm sorry I couldn't meet you!! And now I have to take another 38 hours to go back to Japan...
Although I thought it would be quite a difficult task, I felt a strong desire to keep the promise I made at Makoko: to get those in power on my side and produce future professional baseball players!
One of my beliefs is to always keep promises. It may be obvious, but there are many people in this world who cannot do this. When you make a promise to yourself, you absolutely must keep it!!
So, we adjusted our schedule and headed to Ogun State in Nigeria.
First, we went to Obasanjo Farm (farm, livestock, and aquaculture), where our office is located.
The youngest child, Dayo, came to pick us up right away and gave us a tour of the farm before the presentation.
All ingredients, from fruits to vegetables, meat and fish, are grown on the vast land.
Nigeria has a food self-sufficiency rate of about 60%. It is normal for people to eat only one meal a day.
Because crops and livestock are not thriving, there is a lack of food, and imported goods are expensive and the people cannot afford them. That's why I'm not a politician, but I'm running a farm, in order to increase Nigeria's food self-sufficiency rate, says Dayo.
Certainly, with a former president as his father, he would have been guaranteed a brilliant career and a wealthy life as the second son of a politician. But instead of becoming a politician, he decided to run a farm.
There was not a single cloud in his sparkling eyes. I could feel from the bottom of my heart that this person truly wants to change the food situation in Nigeria, and that I really like him.
It's so vast that even the staff working there don't know where the farm ends lol. I guess it ends just beyond the two mountains you can see in the distance ( *´艸`)
It's too big lol. It looks like it's over 50km long lol.
After being shown around the place by car for several hours, we finally arrived at the office.
From preliminary research, we found out that Dayo is a big fan of Japanese sake ❤ and sparkling sake ❤. He also loves soccer and manages his own team.
I immediately gave him the sparkling sake I brought as a gift (*´艸`)
Dayo-san was so excited, it was like a child getting a Christmas or birthday present. He gathered the staff together, handed out glasses, and toasted everyone together! 🍶!
Ah, instead of just drinking it for yourself, you share it with your employees too✨Dayo-san really is someone who cares about everyone, not just for his own selfish gain❤I really love you, Dayo-san❤
I finished 3 of the 4 bottles of sparkling sake I gave them, and I thought, "If I drink too much, I won't be able to hear the presentation, so that's it!" (laughs)
Now, it's time for the presentation!!
I'll talk about my time at Makoko, the promises I made with the kids, and what baseball is and can you make money from it.
Dayo's answer was that it was a long-term investment, and there was a high possibility that it would be high-risk with no return, and he asked if he wanted his father to help cover the costs.
My answer is: No. We don't need any financial support. We will continue to manage our own finances. However, we would appreciate your cooperation in the following:
- Please provide land within the farm where the children and Nigerian national team players can practice and play baseball.
・If possible, if there are any available dormitories, we would like to work together to develop a boarding school environment where the players can concentrate on baseball.
- During my free time between baseball practice, I would like to help out on the farm, where I can learn about the environment and skills needed to earn employment and income outside of baseball.
Dayo looked puzzled.
Everyone who comes here talks about money. Of course, land and accommodation are expensive, but they don't just want money directly, they want to be able to make effective use of the land.
I answered, YES!!
Dayo-san, Yasu (Shima's nickname) is funny (lol)
Yasu is the first person to suggest something like that! (laughs) I get it! You are worthy of meeting my father. However, you can only meet him for 15 minutes. I'll summarize it on one A4 sheet of paper,
I need to explain it completely. If I let my father meet with her, I will have a responsibility. Let's prepare the documents together! said Dayo.
Uuuuuh... (´;ω;`) Uuuu what a nice guy!? I really love him❤
I can say it again and again! I love you so much, Dayo❤❤❤
As I was concisely summarizing the requirements, Dayo started making a phone call next to me.
He spoke politely with a serious expression on his face.
Yes, the person she is marrying is her father, former Nigerian President Obasanjo.
When I hung up the phone, I was told that there was a hotel in my father's house. I had booked it for today, so I should stay there first. I would wait in the lobby from 7pm. When my father's secretary came to pick me up, we would move to his house.
Feeling nervous, I headed to the lobby earlier than scheduled.
Time passes in a heavy, tense atmosphere.
It was past 10pm.
There is a possibility that Dayo-san might not be able to meet me today. My father is very busy.
That's true... Even if he's a former president, he can't have free time...
While I was wondering if I would be able to meet her, the clock passed 11pm. Before I knew it, I had been waiting in the lobby for more than four hours. It was longer than a doctor's appointment.
At that moment!? Finally, the secretary showed up! I wondered if she would tell me she couldn't meet today...
Amid growing anxiety, Obasanjo will leave for the airport tomorrow at 4am.
Please keep it brief.
Wow! Finally, I get to meet him! I shook hands with Dayo-san, got slapped on the back, and got a boost of fighting spirit!
※Nigerians have very strong muscles so it really hurt lol
Dayo-san said, "From here on, the secretary will guide you. I can't enter the room with you. This is where we say goodbye. I wish you the best of luck!" ✨.
The events of the day flash before my eyes like a slideshow, and I'm ready to set out!
Let's get going!! With a heavy breath, we headed home.
Eh? Isn't your house too big? There's even an amusement park and a zoo!?
A home in a theme park? A theme park in your home? Either is fine lol
While thinking about such trivial things, I arrived home.
Now, it's finally time to meet the number one and most powerful man in Nigeria!
So, what will the presentation be like?
Please look forward to the next one!! (^_-)-☆
~To be continued~